Filmmaker Christie Davis lives in Los Angeles, CA. Currently, she and husband/partner Dennis Davis are releasing their first feature, “Women At War: Forgotten Female Veterans of Desert Storm,” a documentary that explores women veterans’ experiences during 1991’s Desert Davis Storm and their subsequent battles with Gulf War illnesses. The film won the Roy W. Dean Grant, awarded to films that are “unique and make a contribution to society.”
In December 2012, “Women at War” premiered at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood at the Arpa International Film Festival and is currently screening at film festivals and special events.
The 2005 documentary short “Beyond Babylon,” which Christie wrote, directed and co-produced with Dennis Davis, looks at the true cost of war from 536 BC to the war in Iraq. The award-winning film screened at festivals around the world including Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, Expresión en Corto, DC Independent Film Festival, and Vision Fest ’06 in NYC. “Beyond Babylon” is included on Academy Award Winner (“The Panama Deception”) Barbara Trent’s DVD of her short film “Soldiers Speak Out” and is part of her filmmakers collective
In addition, Christie is developing the narrative feature “Breach of Honor” (Nicholl Fellowships Quarter Finalist, Carl Sautter Semi-Finalist, Sundance Institute Finalist), a war story/thriller about Gulf War veterans.
Her narrative short film, “Friendly Fire,” about a veteran with Gulf War illnesses screened at several film festivals. “Jesús,” a music video by Christie Davis and Dennis Davis, won an AFI/SONY “Visions of America” video award. Christie is a graduate of Northwestern University with a BA in History.